Dec 28, 2011

Indonesia Emerald Equator

Indonesia In Earth
Indonesia is a large country that located between two continents, the continents of Asia and Australia. Indonesia is also located between two oceans, the Indian and Pacific oceans. The position of Indonesia is located at coordinates 6 ° North latitude - 11 ° 08 'south latitude and 95 °' West Longitude - 141 ° 45 'East Longitude. That is why Indonesia has two seasons, dry season and rainy season. So that the climate in Indonesia is a tropical climate.With a dense tropical rain forests, fertile soil, and spread across many areas of the volcano.
Kuta Beach Bali
In addition, Indonesia is an archipelago, consisting of thousands of islands. So that makes Indonesia is rich in natural and cultural wealth. That is why Indonesia is called as the emerald of the equator. World tourism in Indonesia also varied from one region to another. One of the most famous tourism area is the island of Bali. Many foreign tourists who come there each year. So come to Indonesia to see all its natural beauty and friendly people.

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