Dec 29, 2011

17 Years Old Boy, Threatened Punishment Jail For 5 Years, Only For Stealing Slippers

Palu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Just for stealing a flip-flops, a 17-year-old boy should be prosecuted by imprisonment for 5 years. Perhaps it is because flip-flops that were stolen belonged to a police officer named Brigadier Ahmad Rusdi Harahap. Theft incident occurred in November 2010. In fact, the price of one flip-flops are not more than $ 5. But it's a fact of poor law enforcement in Indonesia. Law enforcement officials are brave in the face of the little people, but weak when confronted with the corruptors.  Corruptors stealing trillions of Rupiah, only got 2 years imprisonment. I just hope there are still people of Indonesia who use norms in enforcing the law in Indonesia, so that problems like this, do not have to be brought to justice.

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