Dec 31, 2011

Funny Girl Video, With His Eyebrows Twitching

Ha ha ha ha,, its so funny,,, and awesome. You have great talent girl. Watch this !

Dec 29, 2011

17 Years Old Boy, Threatened Punishment Jail For 5 Years, Only For Stealing Slippers

Palu, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.

Just for stealing a flip-flops, a 17-year-old boy should be prosecuted by imprisonment for 5 years. Perhaps it is because flip-flops that were stolen belonged to a police officer named Brigadier Ahmad Rusdi Harahap. Theft incident occurred in November 2010. In fact, the price of one flip-flops are not more than $ 5. But it's a fact of poor law enforcement in Indonesia. Law enforcement officials are brave in the face of the little people, but weak when confronted with the corruptors.  Corruptors stealing trillions of Rupiah, only got 2 years imprisonment. I just hope there are still people of Indonesia who use norms in enforcing the law in Indonesia, so that problems like this, do not have to be brought to justice.

Dec 28, 2011

Spend Your Holidays at Bukit Barisan National Park

Bukit Barisan National Park is the Bukit Barisan mountain range, which consists of vegetation types of mangrove forests, coastal forests, tropical forests.
Plant species listed Bukit Barisan National Park are :
  1. Pidada (Sonneratia sp.)
  2. Nipah (Nypa fruticans)
  3. Pin Sea (Casuarina equisetifolia
  4. Pandan (Pandanus sp.)
  5. Cempaka (Michelia champaka)
  6. Meranti (Shorea sp.) 
  7. Mersawa (Anisoptera curtisii)
  8. Ramin (Gonystylus bancanus
  9. Keruing (Dipterocarpus sp.)
  10. Damar (Agathis sp.)
  11. Rotan (Calamus sp.)
  12. and raflesia flowers (Rafflesia arnoldi).  
Rafflesia arnoldi

In Bukit Barisan National Park are also a lot of wildlife, such as
  1. Honey Bear (Helarctos malayanus malayanus)
  2. Sumatran Rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis)
  3. Sumatran Tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae
  4. Sumatran Elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus)
  5. Tapirs (Tapirus indicus)
  6. Ungko (Hylobates agilis)
  7. Gibbon (H. syndactylus syndactylus)
  8. Hoop (Presbytis melalophos fuscamurina)
  9. Kancil (Tragulus javanicus kanchil)
  10. and hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata).

Hawksbill Turtle

Another thing that is special in Bukit Barisan National Park is the Lake Menjukut. Menjukut lake bordering the Indian Ocean. And much more natural beauty offered by the Bukit Barisan National Park, so spend your vacation time there.
Menkujut Lake

Header Table Repeat To Top In New Page

Here's how to create the header table appear again in a New Page at Microsoft Word 2003.

  1. Create a New Table with the header
  2. Blok all the header
  3. Click the Table menu
  4. Select a sub Heading Rows Repeat menu
And now the Header table will appear when your table is already in a new page, good luck. 

"Laskar Pelangi" Indonesia Goes USA

This morning I heard the news of a private television station in Indonesia that a novel by Andrea Hirata "Laskar Pelangi", was published in the USA. Wow I was very surprised to hear it, it means that in Indonesia there are many talented people. Laskar Pelangi is a novel that tells about the friendship of ten children, who have school spirit. Their school in a small folk school of Islam. This novel is very touching, and uplifting of humankind in our hearts. Laskar Pelangi not only in the novel, but in the movie are also available.

Play Music Files With AIMP2

Bored with the music player such as Winamp, Windows Media Player, Media Juke Box and others? You should try this one. AIMP2 is a free music player, and have many features in it as well as excellent sound quality. Here are the interesting features offered AIMP2:
  • totally FREE music player
  • Support for a large number of music formats
    MP1, MP2, MP3, MPC / MP+, AAC, AC3, Ogg, FLAC,APE, WavPack, Speex, WAV, CDA, WMA, S3M, XM, MOD, IT, MO3, MTM, UMX
  • Great functionality and intuitive interface
  • 18-band EQ and built-in sound effects
    Reverb, Flanger, Chorus, Pitch, Tempo, Echo, Speed
  • 32-bit audio processingto achieve the best quality
  • Usage of multiple playlists at once
  • Support for functionality enhancement modules
    You can add new features and expand existing, connect such plugins as Input, Gen, DSP from Winamp
  • Shutting down the computer
    You can sleep under favorite music, setting the timer to switch off the computer.
  • Online radio
    Listen and save!
  • Creation of bookmarks and playback queue
  • Hot keys
    Set up local and global hotkeys to your taste!
  • Multilingual interface
  • Multiuser mode
    Several users are using one computer? That's not a problem.
  • Full Unicode support
  • File search
    Search files on all open playlists
  • Flexible program settings
  • Small size of program distribution
  • Audio Converter
    Allows you to convert music from a variety of formats to wma, mp3, wav, ogg
  • Audio Grabber
    You can convert AudioCD (CDA) in MP3, OGG, WAV or WMA
  • Soung Recorder
    Allows you to write sound from any audio device in your system and save as mp3, ogg, wav and wma files
  • Tag Editor
    You can easily edit tags of audio files, rename group of files, sort out by required template or apply tags' values to a group of files.
  • Audio Library
    Represents the organizer of music files, which allows you to easily sort your music, mark listened audios.
You can download it here

Minimize Your Image Size With File Minimizer

To speed up the process of uploading pictures to the internet, you must make the file size as small as possible. How easy it is? you can use a software application called File Minimizer. In addition to ease of use, File Minimizer also provides a pretty good picture quality. So for you who love to upload pictures, photos to your website or social networking sites, you deserve to try it.

You can download it here.

Indonesia Emerald Equator

Indonesia In Earth
Indonesia is a large country that located between two continents, the continents of Asia and Australia. Indonesia is also located between two oceans, the Indian and Pacific oceans. The position of Indonesia is located at coordinates 6 ° North latitude - 11 ° 08 'south latitude and 95 °' West Longitude - 141 ° 45 'East Longitude. That is why Indonesia has two seasons, dry season and rainy season. So that the climate in Indonesia is a tropical climate.With a dense tropical rain forests, fertile soil, and spread across many areas of the volcano.
Kuta Beach Bali
In addition, Indonesia is an archipelago, consisting of thousands of islands. So that makes Indonesia is rich in natural and cultural wealth. That is why Indonesia is called as the emerald of the equator. World tourism in Indonesia also varied from one region to another. One of the most famous tourism area is the island of Bali. Many foreign tourists who come there each year. So come to Indonesia to see all its natural beauty and friendly people.